Clean Air - Indoor Air Quality

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Clean Air

Indoor Air Quality

Complete home comfort is about more than just temperature—it's also about maintaining good quality indoor air.

Dusty, dirty homes at any temperature can mean discomfort. The air in today's tightly-sealed, well-insulated homes can become stale as the same indoor air is circulated and re-circulated. In fact, indoor air quality is among the Environmental Protection Agency's top 3 health concerns. The agency reports that with dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, skin flakes, chemical-fumes, cigarette smoke and more, the air inside your home can be 2-5 times dirtier than the air outside. Air Forced is your local Healthy Air Specialist, working to help you improve your indoor air quality.

Although we usually can't see them, air pollutants are all around us, already inside our homes, and waiting to come in from outside. From our yards to our kitchens, dangerous air pollutants threaten our home air quality. Plus, each season brings its own dangers, from mold in

the fall and winter to pollens and high humidity in the spring and summer.

Fortunately, there are a wide range of dependable air quality solutions, including humidifiers, ventilators, UV lamps, air purifiers, and electronic air cleaners can together eliminate up to 99.9% of the pollutants threatening your home's health.

Learn more about how the pollutants in and around our homes affect our indoor air quality and what you can do to improve yours.

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